He faked his own death last year to collect on a$ 1 million insurance policy. 去年,他诈死以骗取100万美元的保险金。
We do not want the mob rule we saw in the attacks on the home and car of Sir Fred Goodwin, RBS's previous chief executive, or the death threats made to staff at AIG, the US insurance group. 我们不希望看到攻击RBS前首席执行官弗雷德古德温爵士(SirFredGoodwin)居所和汽车的那种暴民统治行为,或是对美国保险集团美国国际集团(AIG)的员工发出的死亡恐吓。
An insurance policy stipulating death as the prerequisite for the payment of the insurance benefits shall not be transferred or mortgaged without the written consent of the insured. 依照以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同所签发的保险单,未经被保险人书面同意,不得转让或者质押。
Policy-holder, beneficiary beneficiary causes insurant intentionally death, disable or of the disease, whether does the underwriter assume insurance responsibility? 投保人、受益人故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病的,保险人是否承担保险责任?
Cast defend whole-life insurance, criterion insurance company will be lifelong to you responsible, till death till, and final and sure should give Fu Yi pen insurance gold. 投保终身保险,则保险公司会对你终身负责,直到死亡为止,且最终必定要给付一笔保险金。
Project insurance against death for them, may somebody makes the insurance accident that makes they die intentionally earn insurance gold. 为他们投死亡保险,可能会有人故意制造使他们死亡的保险事故来赚取保险金。
They want us to push death insurance. 他们想让我们推进死亡险。
If you didn't really believe you were going to die, that is undergo bodily death, why would you take out life insurance? 如果人们不相信自己会死,不相信肉体的消亡,那为什么买人寿保险?
Beneficiary beneficiary is point to compensation of person insurance death suffer get a person, to person insurance needs to appoint beneficiary beneficiary, after insurant dies, receive dead compensation by beneficiary beneficiary. 受益人是指人身保险死亡赔偿金的受领人,对人身保险都需要指定受益人,当被保险人死亡后,由受益人领取死亡赔偿金。
Accordingly," insurance law "regulation, policy-holder, beneficiary beneficiary causes insurant intentionally death, disable or of the disease, the underwriter does not assume the responsibility that pays insurance gold. 因此,《保险法》规定,投保人、受益人故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病的,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任。
For no reason does not lay specified amount of this part compensation, come from however compensate for share value at all death in protecting a capture to pay insurance cost. 这部分赔偿额并不是平白生出来的,而是来自于所有保户缴交保费中的死亡赔偿分摊值。
One of, die to pay. When insurant suffers accident harm to cause death, the underwriter gives pay insurance against death gold. The coroner record a verdict of death by misadventure. 其一,死亡给付。被保险人遭受意外伤害造成死亡时,保险人给付死亡保险金。验尸官对意外事故造成的死亡裁决作了记载。
The insurance that pays insurance gold in order to die the condition to give is serve as insurance accident with the death of insurant, insurance gold pays to beneficiary beneficiary by the underwriter when accident happening. 以死亡为给付保险金条件的保险是以被保险人的死亡作为保险事故,在事故发生时由保险人向受益人支付保险金。
The insurance line is always developing with moral hazards, which is more obvious in the Death Insurance Contract. 道德危险问题一直伴随着保险业的发展,这在死亡保险合同中表现得更为明显。
In the moral hazard of insurance beneficiary contract that encompasses death elements, moral hazard of insurance beneficiary is various, which cause is complicated and result is serious. 在以死亡为给付保险金条件的人身保险合同中,受益人的道德风险表现多样,成因复杂,危害严重。
Extension models for diseases diagnosis and treatment of the livestock and poultry& institutions for veterinarian training+ livestock and poultry death insurance companies+ farmer households. 畜禽疾病诊治技术推广模式&兽医人才培训单位+畜禽死亡保险公司+农户;
Reflected Brownian motion is used to construct the model of random interest rate. We define the critical death rate of risk function and analyze the adventure of life insurance, hence provide the insurance company with method. 随机利率采用反射Brownian运动建模,通过风险函数的临界点,对保险经营中盈亏风险进行系统分析,为保险公司决策提供了方法和理论依据。
For our country, this issue mainly concern the includes the relationship between the death damage compensation under the civil law system and the "Work Injury Insurance Regulations"," National Compensation Act "and" Regulations on Handling Medical Accidents "and other relevant provisions. 对于我国而言,这个问题主要包括民法规定的死亡损害赔偿制度与《工伤保险条例》、《国家赔偿法》以及《医疗事故处理条例》等相关规定的关系。
In addition, this chapter also discusses other potential liabilities that may incurred in maritime personal injury and death accidents, including liability arising from the breach of contracts, and situations involving no civil liabilities such as national compensation and occupational injury insurance. 此外,还讨论了除侵权责任外,可能产生于海上人身伤亡情形的其他赔偿责任,如与侵权责任可能构成民事责任竞合的违约责任,以及在民事赔偿范畴之外的国家赔偿和工伤保险赔偿。
, Life insurance is a kind of personal insurance that is marked with the life of insurance as insurance object, taking death or survival of insurant as insurance accident and giving a certain insurance payment according to the contract during the insurance period. 人寿保险,简称寿险,是以被保险人的生命作为保险标的,以被保险人的生存或死亡作为保险事故的一种保险形式。
In recent years, frequent natural disasters lead to the rapid increasing trend of the catastrophe risk and the extreme death rate risk. By introducing of the life insurance securitization, we can relieve the pressure of deficient solvency for the domestic insurance company manfully. 近年来日益频繁的自然灾害导致巨灾风险和极端死亡率风险有加速增加的趋势,而引入寿险证券化可以缓解我国保险公司偿付能力不足的现实,具有现实意义。